Caron Coleman
Occupational therapist
Masters of Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Occupational therapy
Availability: Tuesdays (Kenmore)
Languages: English
Caron has previously worked in both urban and rural areas in Australia and the UK. She has a wide range of experience in both hospital and community settings.
Caron has a background in working with children and adults with a range of conditions including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular conditions, achondroplasia, autism, and global developmental delay.
Caron's approach involves assessment and interventions relating to body structures (e.g., range of motion, strength and function), activities/play, and participation in daily tasks. She has knowledge and experience regarding upper limb management of clients with hypertonicity and interventions focussing on bimanual function for clients presenting with hemiplegia.
Caron uses evidence-based approaches to support her clients. Her support incorporates a range of approaches starting with client centred practice and collaborative goal setting, and with themes relating to skill building and parent coaching.
Caron is available to conduct assessments related to occupational performance for children and young people to identify their support needs. Caron is skilled in the administration of a range of assessments tools such as the Hand Assessment for Infants (HAI), the Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA), Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-3), and Beery Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (Beery VMI) to support diagnosis, identification of support needs, and building of skills.
Her current focus and developing interests include the following:
Assessment and interventions for children (infants up to age 12) related to self-care, play/leisure, and school.
Assessment and intervention for fine motor difficulties.
Supporting clients with assessment, trialling, and funding applications for assistive technology and equipment.
Supporting the development of co-regulation and self-regulation skills.
Identifying sensory processing differences and its impact on function and inclusion.
Caron is involved in our multi-disciplinary FASD diagnostic assessments and is able to provide ongoing support to clients with a diagnosis of FASD.
Upper limb management of hypertonicity.
Supporting children with achondroplasia
Health initiatives for First Nations people.
Caron is an advocate of activity and participation as essential factors contributing to the exploration of potential and the impact on quality of life.